Last December, Abaxton Nutricom Ibérica S.L. joins to SIGFITO agroenvases S.L., continuing with our marked guidelines for better sustainability and concern for the environment.
The EU wants to make the old continent a place more environmentally sustainable. In 2018, the ambitious European Circular Economy Package was launched, whose last directive to be transposed was the Royal Decree on packaging, which the Ministry for the Ecological Transition has just made publicly available for its next approval.
Today, only phytosanitary products have this obligation. The rest of packaged agricultural inputs such as fertilizers, biostimulants, nutritional, etc. they can assume responsibility voluntarily, as is our case.
The union with SIGFITO represents a strong commitment to the environment and sustainable agriculture, in pursuit of the fight against climate change. Thanks to this membership, our customers can take the empty packaging of our products to any of the 5,000 collection points that SIGFITO has throughout the national territory. By recycling packaging, we contribute to reducing the carbon footprint on our planet.
In this way, in addition to the environmental benefit, ABAXTON is also anticipating to the compliance of next packaging law that will take effect very soon, because SIGFITO has a great experience in the waste sector, and is responsible for all companies adhered strictly comply with environmental obligations.